VigRX Plus

Original price was: $121.00.Current price is: $94.73.


  • Erections that look and feel better to you and your partner
  • Supercharge your libido and sexual desire
  • Better CONTROL over erections
  • More frequent and intense orgasms

For men who want bigger, harder, longer-lasting erections, there’s now VigRX Plus®, our #1 best-selling male enhancement supplement.

It’s a fresh twist on our already popular VigRX®, but has been designed to further enhance men’s sexual functioning with the addition of three exciting new ingredients: Damiana, Tribulus, and Bioperine.

Damiana and Tribulus have been used for thousands of years by the Mayans and Europeans respectively to increase libido and treat erectile dysfunction, while Bioperine has been clinically proven to safely increase the absorption rates of the nutrients that it’s combined with.

  1. The marketing used is far superior to the competition, as we’ve methodically tested every aspect of our design, copy, and offer to convert record-breaking numbers of visitors into satisfied buyers.
  2. It’s doctor endorsed AND rated #1 for results by clients. In an industry filled with sketchy, even unsafe products, VigRX Plus® offers men proof of safety with video endorsements from REAL doctors, plus client testimonials with illustrative picture proof.


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