MitoTrax Bio-Enhanced Mitochondria Support Supplement


Promotes cellular energy production.

  • Promoting healthy mitochondrial function (the powerhouses of your cells)
  • Support against age-related damage
  • Stimulating your system with vitamins and minerals
  • Enhancing fatigue response, keeping you more alert
  • Supporting healthy cognitive function, keeping your mind sharp


What Are Mitochondria?

There is one fundamental building block that all living things share: The cell. And deep within these cells burns a fleet of furnaces, each one responsible for empowering these building blocks, and in turn empowering every sign of life an organism exhibits: Mitochondria.

The Only COMPLETE Mitochondrial Supplement

MitoTrax contains vital nutrients, minerals, supplements, and vitamins to help bolster the effects of the mitochondrial support supplements within.

– Curcumin and Black Pepper: Curcumin is purported to help support mitochondrial function and biogenesis. VitaMonk takes it one step further by including black pepper, an agent proven to improve curcumin absorption [8].

– Schizandra Berry: This adaptogen (and brain booster) has remarkable neuroprotective effects and anti-fatigue properties.

Minerals and Vitamins: For improved overall health to help you utilize your newfound energy, MitoTrax contains abundant amounts of vitamins (B1, B2, C) and minerals (Magnesium, Calcium, etc.).


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